Poorest zip codes in wisconsin by county
Poorest zip codes in wisconsin by county

poorest zip codes in wisconsin by county

The report did not claim 53206 as the most-incarcerated in the state but that was a leap that many easily made. The study looked not just at those in jail or prison at a given time, but also those who had been previously incarcerated. It noted two-thirds of Milwaukee County’s incarcerated African American men came from six ZIP codes in the poorest neighborhoods of Milwaukee and included a graphic showing the "concentration of released and incarcerated ex-offenders in Milwaukee ZIP code 53206." The report went on to refer to 53206 as "ground zero for black male incarceration." That was nearly double the national average of 6.7%.

poorest zip codes in wisconsin by county

The report noted that Wisconsin was the worst state in the nation for African American incarceration, at 12.8%, based on 2010 census data. Quinn for the Employment and Training Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The genesis of the claim appears to be a study - " Wisconsin’s Mass Incarceration of African American Males: Workforce Challenges for 2013" - prepared by John Pawasarat and Lois M. Thus, we are setting aside the Truth-O-Meter today to examine how this particular claim got exaggerated and what we know about incarceration in 53206 and in Milwaukee. There’s this problem as well: Does "most incarcerated" mean those in prison now, or anyone who has served time in the past? On one level, the most-incarcerated claim is a simple statistical one.īut there are many levels to the claim, which over the years has been repeated by so many politicians and amplified so many times by news accounts that it has been accepted as a truth: Not only do people say it’s the most incarcerated ZIP code in the state, it’s the worst in the nation.Īnalyzing the claim is complicated by many factors, from difficulty in obtaining solid data to the different ways that data can be sliced: Census tract vs.

poorest zip codes in wisconsin by county

"Our administration wants to end these disparities and create a Wisconsin where everyone has a chance to thrive." "Coming from the most incarcerated ZIP code in our state, I know how much opportunity means for our communities of color," Lt. But sometimes its standing by the numbers gets exaggerated. To be sure, the area faces deep, long-standing challenges. The ZIP code is bounded, roughly, by Interstate 43 to the east, 27th Street to the west, North Avenue to the south and Capitol Drive to the north. It has even been the subject of a documentary. For politicians and policymakers, the area has become a five-digit shorthand for dysfunction and decay. When Milwaukee’s ills - crime, poverty, poor housing - are measured in studies, the ZIP code frequently comes out on top. Milwaukee’s 53206 may be the most famous - or perhaps infamous - ZIP code in Wisconsin.

Poorest zip codes in wisconsin by county